Advario launched in May 2022 with a clear ESG ambition: to embed #sustainability in every aspect of our business, including having a positive impact on the communities near our terminals.
With this strategy in mind, employees in nine countries took the initiative to clean up local beaches, rivers and port areas. In a post-pandemic world, employees welcomed the opportunity to work side-by-side to improve their community’s environment – while saving hundreds of kgs of plastics and garbage from entering local waterways.
Responsible corporate citizenship is part of the DNA for our terminal teams. Some examples of the CSR employee initiatives across teams includes:
In support of the Keep Texas Beautiful Program, our team in Texas committed to quarterly cleaning a 2-mile highway in front of their terminal for three years.
Our team in Singapore organized beach clean ups and a pollution awareness workshop. Volunteering is a longstanding tradition of the Singapore teams.
In addition tobeach cleanups, Oman helped to improve health and safety for local fishermen by donating cooling boxes to keep their fish well persevered, and life vests for a safe journey at sea.
In China and Finland,employees began cycling to raise awareness with employees and citizens. In China the “Speed Up to Reduce Plastic” campaign addressed water pollution from waste. And a Cycle-to-Work initiative in Finland encouraged employees to reduce their CO2 emissions by cycling to work.
In Hamburg, Germany, teams went to the Georgswerder area in the port to learn not all green is good; invasive plants thriving on the high nitrate concentrations threaten local ecosystems. Volunteers sweated to remove them in support of the Neuntöter organization, a non-profit organization that aims to ensure biodiversity on the Georgwerder energy hill.
Colleagues inAntwerp, Belgium embarked on a similar initiative in the port’s nature reserve near the terminals. The inter-tidal Galgeschoor area at the Scheldt River in Belgium is a critical reserve for birds; employees cleared the salt marshes of waste that was entangled because of the Scheldt tides.
Finally, teammates in Amsterdam with the help of Plastic Whale [Plastic Whale – Together for a plastic free land & sea], removed plastic fishing waste from the Amsterdam canals. They now have a better understanding of the water pollution and microplastics problem and helped fund educational events for children in The Netherlands. Big thanks to our employee volunteers for their efforts!